Credits: 3 Offered: Fall, Spring
Description and analysis of agencies and processes involved in administration of justice in the United States.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Techniques of crime scene search. Collection and preservation of physical evidence. Class and individual scientific tests. Rules of evidence governing admissibility of physical evidence. Expert testimony.
Credit: 3 Offered: Fall, Spring
Introduction to the socio-legal foundation of crime. Crime typology and measurement procedures. Theory and public policy. Societal responses to crime and criminals.
Credit: 3 Offered: Fall
Laws of evidence controlling investigative procedures. Crime scene concerns. Multi-agency investigation.
Credit: 3 Offered: Fall, Spring
Administration of criminal law. Investigation, prosecution, adjudication, and sentencing. Constitutional safeguards and legal controls on official action.
Credit: 3 Offered: Fall, Spring
Logic, design, analysis, and ethical principles in criminal justice research. Indicators of crime and its control.
Credit: 3 Offered: Fall, Spring
Career planning and professional development. Leadership principles and theory, as related to the field of criminal justice.
Credit: 3 Offered: Fall, Spring
Roles, responsibilities, issues, and trends pertinent to contemporary law enforcement organizations in contemporary society.
Credit: 3 Offered: Fall, Spring
The juvenile justice system and law. Theories of juvenile delinquency and deviance. Sociological, psychological, and anthropological perspectives.
Credit: 3 Offered: Fall, Spring
Historical and contemporary views of offender management and treatment. Corrections system operation. Effects of institutionalization. Alternatives to incarceration.
Credit: 3 Offered: Fall
Relationships of private protective services with public law enforcement. Individuals, businesses, and governments providing prevention, protection, investigation, and disaster recovery services. Protection of persons, property, and information.
Credit: 3 Offered: Fall, Spring
How race and ethnicity shapes crime, victimization, ones’ interaction with the criminal justice system, and criminal justice decision making. Crime rates in theoretical and historical context.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Comparative study of criminal justice systems. Theories, types, and effects of intervention.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Representation of crime and criminal justice in the media. Relationship between media and criminal justice organizations. Images of crime, criminal justice, and trafficking. Media effects on criminal justice policy.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Theories on women's victimization and criminality. Women's experiences as victims, offenders, and criminal justice employees. Laws and their effects on the rights of women in the criminal justice system.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Intimate partner violence, rape and stalking. Theoretical causes of violence against women and factors commonly associated with it. Physical, mental and legal consequences, institutional responses and prevention efforts.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Advanced study of criminological theory. Examination of policies implied by different theories of crime. Evaluation of crime control policies.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Advanced issues in policing. Police strategies and evaluation. Behavioral determinants of policing. Socialization and culture of police. Police coercion. Police deviance.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Community policing philosophy, applications, issues, and contemporary research. Community policing models.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Law enforcement intelligence as an analytic tool for case development and resource allocation. Historical, ethical, legal, and operational issues affecting current practice.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Organizational theory, leadership, communications, and labor relations in police administration. Historical and legal perspectives.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Definition of terrorism and terrorist groups. Fundamental principles of emergency management and homeland security. Historical perspectives and modern threats. Public health and environmental protection. Private sector role and impacts. Security vs. civil liberties. Science, technology, and research issues.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Internet crimes and problems and procedures for cybersecurity.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring of odd years
Introduction to the crime of product counterfeiting through an analysis of theory, empirical studies, and case histories. Understanding of product counterfeiting.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Advanced topics in corrections. Probation and parole. Community corrections. Recidivism and reentry. Evolution of punishment. Comparative systems of confinement.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Management of correctional organizations. Interactions between correctional organizations and their political and cultural environments.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall of odd years
Constitutional limitations and the impact of law on correctional practice. Due process, prisoners' rights, and parole and probation.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Impact of law on police practices, court processes, and corrections institutions and programs. Development, implementation, and evaluation of judicial policies.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Advanced topics in private security. Planning and administering. Organizing and staffing. Human relations. Management styles. Media relations.
Credits: 1 to 3 Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Individual study in fields of criminal justice, under direct supervision of a faculty member.
Credits: 1 to 4 Offered: Fall, Spring
Special issues in criminal justice.
Credits: Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Observation, participation, and study in selected criminal justice agencies.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall, Spring
Theories of crime causation. Translation of theory to policy.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Law enforcement intelligence as an analytic tool for case development and resource allocation. Historical, ethical, legal, and operational issues affecting current practice.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall, Spring
Homeland security's definition of terrorism and terrorist groups. Fundamental principles of emergency management and homeland security. Historical perspectives and modern threats. Public health and environmental protections. Private sector role and impacts. Security versus civil liberties. Science technology and research issues.
Credits: 1 Offered: Fall of even years
Introduction to crime scene investigation. Documentation, evidence collection, presumptive chemical and biological tests, and collection and preservation of impression evidence.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Scientific analysis of physical evidence. Four major aspects of physical evidence using real criminal and civil cases: generation of physical evidence by criminal activity; collection and preservation of physical evidence; analysis of physical evidence by forensic science laboratory; presentation of scientific expert testimony in court.
Credits: 1 to 4 Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Special issues in criminal justice research and management.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Survey of classical and recent literature in criminal justice. Trends and issues that transcend the components of the criminal justice system.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall and Spring
Scientific methods in criminal justice research. Design, data collection and analysis, interpretation of findings, and ethical concerns. Computer use in data analysis.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Organization theory and behavior for the criminal justice agency. Organization and policy planning, budgeting, forecasting, human resource management, and project implementation.
Credits: 2 Offered: Fall of even years
Legal aspects of forensic science. Adjudicative process, admissibility of scientific evidence, laboratory reports, hearsay, relevant case materials, and expert testimony
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall of odd years
Techniques and processes in analysis of physical evidence including spectroscopy, chromatography, and microscopy. Emphasis on controlled substances.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Continuation of CJ 819. Analysis of trace evidence including hairs and fibers, paints and coatings, explosives and fire residues, glass and soil.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring of even years
Globalization, crime causation, measurement, and control in comparative and cross-national contexts. Nature of policing, courts, and corrections in select countries.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall of even years
International crimes and organized crime. Trafficking in women, children, and body parts. Related problems such as firearm violence, money laundering, and corruption that transcend national boundaries.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Police practice. The police role, socialization, discretion, strategies, deviance.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring of even years
Recent policy-related research and its application to the deployment of human resources.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall, Spring
Law enforcement intelligence process for domestic and international terrorist threats. Current issues and trends in terrorism and counterterrorism, and the role of law enforcement intelligence.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring, Summer
Origins, history, and mutable definitions of terrorism. Ideologies, organizational features, ideologies, and state responses. Influential contemporary and historical terrorist movements. Force multipliers and media.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Analytic processes, tools, applications, and contemporary issues as used in law enforcement intelligence processes.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring of odd years
Theoretical underpinnings of individual decision-making and risk perception processes. Case studies of the interplay of risk perception and decision-making in an environmental and or criminological context.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall of odd years
Advanced theoretical and empirical perspectives from criminology, victimology, and organizational behavior to analyze the crime of product counterfeiting.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Historical overview. Theories and methodologies. Models and organization of delinquency prevention and control programs. Law and public policy. Program evaluation.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Special topics on policing such as crime analysis, problem solving, police recruitment, retention and development, police behavior and ethics.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall of odd years
Traditional and contemporary adult correctional practices. Social, political, economic, and organizational factors affecting correctional policies.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Theoretical foundations of crime analysis. Techniques and processes used by law enforcement agencies to document and respond to patterns of crime.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Advanced application of intelligence and crime analysis skills and techniques.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Techniques for collection and intelligence analysis of open source information. Ethical issues for collection of publicly available information and validation of sources.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Emergence of cybercrime and technology-engendered deviance, and the ways that subcultures transcend virtual spaces to affect behavior on and off-line.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Digital forensic analyses, including computer technology, data storage, proper search/seizure/imaging techniques, analysis of imaged devices, and proper presentation of evidence.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Networked resources that support the Internet and the basics of the Open Systems Interconnection (OSI) Model.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Use of technology and the Internet to further terror and extremism across the globe.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring of odd years
Organization and management of security operations in business, industry, and government.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall of odd years
Administrative and quantitative techniques for security operations. Statistical analyses. Analysis of financial statements. Operations research and computer techniques.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Descriptive and inferential statistics and computer use in criminal justice research.
Credits: 1 to 6 Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Individual research and writing under faculty supervision.
Credits: 1 to 6 Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Observation, study, and work in selected criminal justice agencies. Participation in domestic and foreign criminal justice systems.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Methods of policy analysis in criminal justice settings. Policy analysis for the formulation, adoption and implementation of changes.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Methods of conducting a comprehensive threat assessment in criminal justice settings. Comprehensive threat assessment for the formulation, adoption, and implementation of prevention and intervention practices.
Credits: 1 to 6 Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Planned research and writing directed by student's thesis committee.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Theoretical perspectives and issues in criminal justice and criminology.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Theoretical perspectives on organizations and processes in criminal justice. Evaluation of organizational performance in justice agencies.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall of even years
Theoretical perspectives on law. Impact of law on society and the criminal justice system.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Applications of quantitative techniques to criminal justice data. Use of multiple regression and SPSS.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Advanced quantitative analysis techniques for criminal justice data.
Credits: 3 Offered: Spring
Intensive study of one subfield of criminal justice. Critical evaluation of the literature.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Methodological approaches to conducting sound, ethical criminal justice and criminological research. Research ethics, study design, and data collection methods.
Credits: 3 Offered: Fall
Methodological approaches to conducting qualitative criminal justice and criminological research. Application of qualitative analysis techniques to criminal justice data.
Credits: 1 to 12 Offered: Fall, Spring, Summer
Doctoral dissertation research.