
Empirical research is an integral part of Michigan State University’s land-grant mission.  Specifically, MSU scholars seek to apply research findings to real-world problems with the goal of  developing solutions, improving lives, and advancing knowledge. The faculty at the School of Criminal Justice actively contribute to this mission, conducting interdisciplinary research on a range of topics related to crime, victimization, justice, and law.

Major projects have been funded by these organizations:

  • U.S. Department of Justice

    • Bureau of Justice Assistance

    • Community Oriented Policing Services

    • National Institute of Justice

  • U.S. Department of Homeland Security

  • National Institutes of Health

  • Forensic Science Foundation

  • U.S. Department of the Army

  • U.S. Department of Air Force

  • U.S. Department of Defense

  • Michigan State Police

  • Michigan Department of Human Services

  • Mott Foundation

  • Michigan Department of Community Health

  • Guggenheim Foundation.

These research projects inform policy and practice through outreach and engagement efforts as well as professional training opportunities. The integration of cutting-edge research into undergraduate and graduate coursework also provides a unique opportunity for student learning and practical experience.