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2016 ICC Speakers

Dr. Gail Joon Ahn

Threat Intelligence Analytics (TIA): Assembling the Jigsaw Puzzles of Cybercrimes

Bio: Gail-Joon Ahn, Ph.D, CISSP is a Professor of Computer Science and Engineering Program in the School of Computing, Informatics and Decision Systems Engineering (CIDSE) at Arizona State University and Director of Laboratory of Security Engineering for Future Computing (SEFCOM: Prior to ASU, he was the Founding Director of Center for Digital Identity and Cyber Defense Research (DICyDER <>) at UNC Charlotte. His research foci include security analytics and big data driven security intelligence, vulnerability and risk management, access control and security architecture for distributed systems, identity and privacy management, cybercrime analysis, security-enhanced computing platforms, and formal models for computer security device. His research has been supported by NSF, NSA, DoD, ONR, DoE, DoJ, Bank of America, CISCO, GoDaddy, Hewlett Packard, Google, Microsoft and Robert Wood Johnson Foundation. He is currently the information director of ACM Special Interest Group on Security, Audit and Control (SIGSAC) and he is a recipient of US Department of Energy Early Career Principal Investigator Award, Educator of the Year Award from Federal Information Systems Security Educators¹ Association (FISSEA) and Best Researcher Award from CIDSE. Also, he serves as Associate Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, Associate Editor of ACM Transactions on Information and Systems Security and Editorial Board of Computers & Security. He is also the Steering Committee Chair of ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies.

Judge Terrence Berg

The Age of the Mega Hack-And Our Failure to Protect Ourselves

Bio:  Judge Terrence Berg was nominated by President Obama to the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan on April 25, 2012 and confirmed by the United States Senate on December 6, 2012. Before his nomination, Berg had served as an Assistant United States Attorney in the Eastern District of Michigan for over 20 years, first joining the U.S. Attorney’s Office in 1989. As a prosecutor, Berg handled a wide variety of federal criminal prosecutions, specializing in complex fraud cases and computer, Internet and intellectual property crimes. In 1999, Governor (then Attorney General) Jennifer M. Granholm appointed Berg as Chief of the newly created High Tech Crime Unit of the Michigan Department of Attorney General, a position he held until 2003. During that time, Berg was detailed as Computer Crime Fellow for one year with the Computer Crime and Intellectual Property Section at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. Berg returned to the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Eastern District of Michigan in 2003 as an Assistant U.S. Attorney. From 2005-2008, Berg served as First Assistant United States Attorney. In 2008, Berg became interim United States Attorney, and served in that position until January 2010. Berg was then tapped by the Department of Justice to serve on special details, first as the acting First Assistant U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Georgia, in Macon, Georgia, in 2010, and then as an attorney for the Professional Misconduct Review Unit, a component of the Office of Deputy Attorney General which recommends discipline for prosecutors found to have committed professional misconduct, in 2011-2012. Berg has taught a Computer Crime Seminar and also Trial Practice as an adjunct professor for the University of Detroit-Mercy School of Law from 1994-2012. He has also taught courses at the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Advocacy Center, in Columbia, South Carolina, the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia, and the Prosecuting Attorney=s Associations of Michigan, Ohio, North Carolina, and Utah. He has spoken at conferences sponsored by the National Association of Attorney’s General, in Washington, D.C., the National White Collar Crime Center, in Fairmont, West Virginia, and the National Center for Justice and the Rule of Law, at the University of Mississippi, Oxford, Mississippi. He has also trained prosecutors in Bangkok, Thailand, Sofia, Bulgaria, and Cebu, Philippines. His writings have appeared in law reviews, state bar publications, and national magazines. Berg received his law degree from Georgetown University Law Center in 1986, cum laude, and his undergraduate degree from Georgetown’s School of Foreign Service in 1981, magna cum laude. After law school, Berg served as Law Clerk to Judge Anthony A. Alaimo, then Chief United States District Judge for the Southern District of Georgia. He also practiced law as an associate in the Washington, D.C. office of Debevoise and Plimpton, 1987-1989. Berg was born in Detroit in 1959. He is married and has three children.

Dr.Adam M. Bossler

Perceptions of Cybercrime and Law Enforcement Responses from Across the Pond

Bio:  Dr. Adam Bossler is an Associate Professor in the Department of Criminal Justice and Criminology at Georgia Southern University. He earned his doctorate in criminology and criminal justice from the University of Missouri – St. Louis. His current research primarily focuses on examining the application of traditional criminological theories to cybercrime offending and victimization and how law enforcement responds to cybercrime. He is also currently completing a BJA grant exploring innovative correctional programs and a BJA Smart Policing grant in Evans County, GA evaluating the implementation of technology in rural law enforcement agencies. Finally, he is also currently working with collaborators on a NSF funded grant using real Internet usage data to examine computer deviance in a college sample.

Dr. Betty H.C. Cheng

Dealing with Security and Uncertainty for High-Assurance Self-Adaptive Systems

Bio:  Betty H.C. Cheng is a professor in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Michigan State University. Her research interests include self-adaptive systems, requirements engineering, model-driven engineering, automated software engineering, and harnessing evolutionary computation to address software engineering problems. These research areas are used to support the development of high-assurance adaptive systems that must continuously deliver acceptable behavior, even in the face of environmental and system uncertainty. Example applications include intelligent transportation and vehicle systems. She collaborates extensively with industrial partners in her research projects in order to ensure real-world relevance of her research and to facilitate technology exchange between academia and industry. Previously, she was awarded a NASA/JPL Faculty Fellowship to investigate the use of new software engineering techniques for a portion of the shuttle software. She works extensively with industrial collaborators, including one sabbatical working with the Motorola Software Labs investigating automated analysis techniques of specifications of telecommunication systems. She was awarded an international faculty scholarship to explore research techniques for specifying and managing uncertainty in high-assurance systems. She is currently on sabbatical, where she is launching new projects in the area of model-driven approaches to sustainability, cyber security for automotive systems, and feature interaction detection and mitigation for autonomic systems, all in the context of operating under uncertainty while maintaining assurance objectives. Her research has been funded by several federal funding agencies, including NSF, ONR, DARPA, NASA, AFRL, ARO, and numerous industrial organizations. She serves on the editorial boards for Requirements Engineering Journal, and Software and Systems Modeling, and IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering. She was the Technical Program Co-Chair for IEEE International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE-2013), the premier and flagship conference for software engineering. She received her BS from Northwestern University in 1985 and her MS and PhD from the University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign in 1987 and 1990, respectively, all in computer science. She may be reached at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Michigan State University, 3115 Engineering Building, 428 S. Shaw Lane, East Lansing, MI 48824;;

Joshua M. Dalman

Understanding and Detecting Mobile Spyware

Bio: Joshua M. Dalman is a second generation digital forensic examiner. Mr. Dalman has nearly a decade of digital forensics and incident response experience and has tackled hundreds of cases. Mr. Dalman has also earned recognition as an instructor, having developed material and trained countless members of the law enforcement community. Mr. Dalman has a Master of Science degree in digital forensics from the University of Central Florida. Mr. Dalman currently serves as a lead investigative specialist in the commercial sector.

Dr. Benoit Dupont

Bots, Cops, and Corporations

Bio:  Benoît Dupont is professor of criminology at the Université de Montréal, where he holds the Canada Research Chair in Security and Technology. He is also the Scientific Director of the Smart Cybersecurity Network (SERENE-RISC), one of Canada’s Networks of Centres of Excellence. SERENE-RISC brings together government, industry and academic partners in order to facilitate the mobilization and uptake of evidence-based cybersecurity knowledge. His research interests focus on the governance of security and the use of networked initiatives to enhance offline and online safety, as well as the coevolution of crime and technology, and in particular the social organization of the hacking ecosystem.

Dr. Thomas Holt

Examining Profits in the Market for Stolen Data

Bio: Dr. Thomas Holt is an Associate Professor in the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University specializing in cybercrime, policing, and policy. He received his Ph. D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of Missouri-Saint Louis in 2005. He has published extensively on cybercrime and cyberterror in outlets such as Crime and Delinquency, Sexual Abuse, the Journal of Criminal Justice, Terrorism and Political Violence, and Deviant Behavior. He has also received multiple grants from the National Institute of Justice and the National Science Foundation to examine the social and technical drivers of Russian malware writers, data thieves, and hackers using on-line data.

Dr. Alice Hutchings

Cybercrime in the UK, 2010-2015

Bio: Dr Alice Hutchings is a Research Associate at the Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge. A criminologist, her research interests include understanding cybercrime offenders, and the prevention, intervention and disruption of online crime. She is a researcher in the Cambridge Cloud Cybercrime Centre, a multi-disciplinary initiative combining expertise from the University of Cambridge’s Computer Laboratory, Institute of Criminology and Faculty of Law.

Dr. Thomas Hyslip

Innovating in Cybercrime as Service: Examining Booter and Stressor Services

Bio:  Dr. Thomas Hyslip is currently the Resident Agent in Charge of the Department of Defense, Defense Criminal Investigative Service (DCIS), Cyber Field Office, and Eastern Resident Agency.

Prior to joining the DCIS in 2007, Dr. Hyslip was a Special Agent with the US Environmental Protection Agency, Criminal Investigation Division, and the US Secret Service. Throughout his 17 years of federal law enforcement, Dr. Hyslip has specialized in cybercrime investigations and computer forensics. Dr. Hyslip has testified as an expert witness on computer forensics and network intrusions at numerous federal, state, and local courts. Dr. Hyslip is also an adjunct Professor at Norwich University. Dr. Hyslip received his Doctor of Science degree in Information Assurance from Capitol College in 2014.

Dr. Max Kilger

Synergy and Discordance: Forecasting the Future Cooperation of Nation-States and Non-Nation-State Actors

Bio: Max Kilger, Ph.D. ( is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Information Systems & Cyber Security, at the University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA). Dr. Kilger received his Ph.D. in Social Psychology from Stanford University. He has over fourteen years of experience in the area of information security concentrating on the social and psychological factors motivating malicious online actors, groups and cyberterrorism. Max has written and co-authored a number of journal articles and book chapters on profiling, the social structure of the hacking community, cyberviolence, cyberterrorism and recently co-authored the popular book Reverse Deception: Organized Cyberthreat Counter-Exploitation. He is a founding member of the Honeynet Project, a not-for-profit information security organization with 54 teams of experts in 44 countries working for the public good. Max was a member of a National Academy of Engineering committee dedicated to make recommendations for combating terrorism. He is a frequent national and international speaker to information security forums, federal law enforcement and the intelligence community.


Marleen Weulen Kranenbarg

Social Networks of Cybercrime and Non-Cybercrime Offenders Compared

Bio:  Marleen Weulen Kranenbarg is a PhD candidate at the NSCR (Netherlands Institute for the Study of Crime and Law Enforcement) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Her research focuses on perpetrators of cybercrime in comparison to perpetrators of traditional crime. She takes a criminological perspective in examining to what extent cybercrime offenders are different from traditional offenders with respect to, among others, life course, personal social networks, victimization, routine activities, and personality. Marleen Weulen Kranenbarg received her Bachelor’s degree in Criminology at VU University Amsterdam (the Netherlands) and her Master’s degree in Forensic Criminology at Leiden University (the Netherlands).

Rob McCurdy

Threat Vectors and Actors in Institutions

Bio: Rob McCurdy is currently Interim Chief Information Officer (CIO) for Michigan State University. Prior to serving in this role, Rob was the Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for MSU. Rob has worked throughout the security industry in both the public and private sectors in roles ranging from consulting to multinational project development.

Richard K. Moule Jr.

Technology and Perceptions of Police: An Experimental Point of View Study on Citizen-Police Interactions

Bio: Richard K. Moule Jr. is a doctoral candidate in the School of Criminology and Criminal Justice at Arizona State University. His research interests include gangs and other deviant networks, criminological theory, and the intersection of technology, crime, and criminal justice.

Dr.Marcus K. Rogers

The Curse of Big Data in Digital Forensics

Bio: Marcus K. Rogers, Ph.D., CISSP, CCCI, DFCP, is a Professor and Dept. Head in Computer & Information Technology, Purdue University. He is a University Faculty Scholar, Fellow of the Center for Education and Research in Information Assurance and Security (CERIAS), and Fellow of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS). Dr. Rogers is also the Co-Editor of the IEEE Privacy & Security Cyber Crime Department and Chair of the NIST/OSAC-DE Education Sub-committee. His areas of research and interest cover the behavioral aspects of the deviant use of technology, cyber criminal behavioral analysis and understanding cyber terrorism.

Dr. Kathryn Seigfried-Spellar

The Curse of Big Data in Digital Forensics

Bio:  Dr. Kathryn Seigfried-Spellar is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Computer and Information Technology (CIT) at Purdue University. Dr. Seigfried-Spellar has multiple publications, book chapters, and conference paper presentations, including international presentations in India, Ireland, Russia, and South Korea on the who and why of cybercrime. Specifically, Dr. Seigfried-Spellar studies the personality characteristics and socio-legal factors associated with cyberdeviance, such as Internet child pornography use, hacking, cyberbullying, trolling, and cyber threats via social media. In addition, Dr. Seigfried-Spellar has published in the area of digital forensics, specifically the ability to conduct a behavioral analysis of digital forensic evidence from child pornography investigations. Dr. Seigfried-Spellar is a member of the Digital and Multimedia Sciences section of the American Academy of Forensic Sciences (AAFS), the IEEE Computer Society, International Association of Law Enforcement Intelligence Analysts (IALEIA), and the American Psychological Association (APA). Dr. Seigfried-Spellar also serves as an editorial board member for the Journal of Digital Forensics, Security, and Law as well as the International Journal of Psychology and Cyber Crime.

Gary Warner

Social Networks of Cybercriminals, Hate Groups, and Terrorists

Bio: Gary Warner is the Director of Research in Computer Forensics at UAB. Since arriving at UAB in 2007, Warner has created and taught a variety of classes in Computer Science and Justice Sciences related to Cyber Security and Computer Forensics. More than 150 students have worked as employees or volunteers in the UAB Computer Forensics Research Lab, which was established in March of 2010, serving the community by assisting in investigations for many companies and law enforcement agencies. In 2012, inventions and patents from the lab were licensed to create Malcovery Security, a local cyber intelligence company with more than 20 employees. Malcovery was acquired in October 2015 by PhishMe where Warner now serves as Chief Threat Scientist. In 2013, the UAB lab doubled in size with the creation of the Facebook Suite, largely funded by a generous contribution from Facebook in response to our assistance in fighting cybercrime.

Warner has been recognized for his efforts with many rewards, including the MAAWG J.D. Falk Award in 2013, the NCFTA Cybercrime Fighter Award, the Partnership Award, and has received the Microsoft MVP in Enterprise Security six times. Involved in cyber security since 1989, he began his career helping large organizations connect securely to the Internet for the first time. He has worked as an IT Director for a local publicly-traded utility, and has served as a Task Force Officer for the FBI Cybercrimes Task Force. With regards to Critical Infrastructure Protection, he founded the Birmingham InfraGard chapter, and has served on the national boards of the FBI’s InfraGard program and DHS’s Energy ISAC. Warner is a published haiku poet, a former ballet dancer, and active in the Prison Ministry at Church of the Highlands.

Dr. Rick Wash

The Connection Between Cyber-Deviance and Cyber-Security Behaviors

Bio:  Rick Wash is an Associate Professor at Michigan State University in the School of Journalism and the Department of Media and Information. His work involves understanding how people think about their interactions with computers, and their interactions with other people through computers, with a particular focus on security and collaborative systems. He completed his PhD at the School of Information at the University of Michigan. Prior to studying Information, Rick completed his masters degree in Computer Science from the University of Michigan, and his bachelors degree in Computer Science from Case Western Reserve University.