Michigan Justice Statistics Center
The School of Criminal Justice, through the Michigan Justice Statistics Center, serves as the Statistical Analysis Center (MI-SAC) for the State of Michigan. The mission of the Center is to advance knowledge about crime and justice issues in the state of Michigan while also informing policy and practice. As the nation’s pioneering land-grant university, this dual mission is reflective of Michigan State University’s commitment to advancing knowledge and transforming lives. The Center conducts policy-relevant research and analysis to advance data-driven processes and the adoption of evidence-based strategies. Ultimately, the goal is to promote safe Michigan communities and to support efforts to enhance the fairness, effectiveness, and efficiency of the criminal justice system through research, evaluation and the dissemination of information.
The Center works in partnership with the Michigan State Police, Michigan’s State Administering Agency (SAA), as well as with law enforcement and criminal justice agencies serving the citizens of Michigan. The Center also draws heavily on the rich faculty, staff and student resources of the School of Criminal Justice.
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“This Web page is funded in part, through a grant from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice. Neither the U.S. Department of Justice nor any of its components operate, control, are responsible for, or necessarily endorse, this Web page (including, without limitation, its content, technical infrastructure, and policies, and any services or tools provided)”
About Us
In the State of Michigan, the School of Criminal Justice at Michigan State University (MSU) was designated to be the state Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) by executive order in 1993 and MSU has served in this capacity continuously since that time. The SAC works closely with the State Administering Agency (SAA) that is the Michigan State Police (MSP). The SAC and SAA have increased their collaboration in recent years by working with key criminal justice stakeholders in the development of the Michigan Byrne/JAG strategic plan. The Michigan Justice Statistics Center is a member of the Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA), a national nonprofit organization comprised of SAC directors, researchers, and practitioners dedicated to policy-oriented research and analysis.
The Center receives funding from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. Department of Justice, through an annual proposal submission process.
Scott E. Wolfe - Director
Edmund F. McGarrell – Director Emeritus
Tim Bynum – Director Emeritus
Chris Melde – Research Associate
Jason Rydberg – Research Associate
Robyn Carter – Program Manager
Megan Gilliam – Graduate Research Fellow
Jed Knode - Graduate Research Fellow
Travis Carter - Graduate Research Fellow -
- An Experimental Evaluation of the Michigan State Police Internal Traffic Stop Data Dashboard
- Saginaw Initiative to Reduce Violence - Final Report
- Non-Fatal Shooting Crosswalk Study - Final Report
- Exploring Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Michigan State Police Traffic Stops Using the Veil of Darkness Methodology
- Evaluation of the Detroit Crime Gun Intelligence Center
- Michigan State Police Traffic Stop External Benchmarking: A Final Report on Racial and Ethnic Disparities
- Firearms Offending and Re-Offending - Final Report
- An Intersectional Analysis of the Association Between Prior Offense Histories and Recidivism Among Violent Offense Arrestees - Final Report
- Detroit Project Safe Neighborhoods: Final Evaluation Report
- Detroit Grand Jury Project: Final Project Report
- Project Greenlight Detroit (PGLD): Evaluation Report
- Developing Performance Metrics for Drug Enforcement: Evaluating the Efficacy of the Multijurisdictional Task Forces Using a Tiered and Priority Scoring System (2014-2019)
- Using Incident-Based Crime Data to Examine the Opioid Crisis in Michigan (2013-2017)
- Detroit Ceasefire: Individual Re-Offending Analyses Supplemental Report
- Michigan's Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Strategic Plan Report (2015-2017)
- Developing Performance Metrics for Drug Enforcement: Evaluating the Efficacy of the Multijurisdictional Task Forces Using a Tiered and Priority Scorign System (2014-2018)
- Performance Metrics for Drug Enforcement: Evaluating the Efficacy of the MJTF Teams Using a Tiered and Priority Scoring System, A Continuation Study
- Detroit Project Safe Neighborhoods - Final Report
- Detroit Ceasefire - Final Report
- A quasi-experimental synthetic control evaluation of a place-based police-directed patrol intervention on violent crime
- Intimate Partner Violence in Michigan: An Analysis of Michigan Incident Crime Reports (MICR) for 2014 and 2015
- Patterns of Childhood Sexual Victimization in Michigan: MICR 2014 and 2015 Report
- Cleaning and Analyzing Michigan Incident Crime Reporting Data (MICR) in the R Statistical Computing Environment - December 2016
- Developing Performance Metrics for Drug Enforcement - May 2016 - Final Report
- Saginaw Community Survey: Patterns of Victimization and Methodological Experiments - Technical Report
- Detroit Project Safe Neighborhoods - Final Project Report
- Childhood Victimization Report
- Smart Policing and the Michigan State Police - Final Report
- National Crime Justice Association- February Justice Bulletin featuring the Michigan Justice Statistic Center
- An Analysis of Patterns in Interpersonal Violence using Michigan Incident Crime Reporting- Full Report
- An Analysis of Patterns in Interpersonal Violence using Michigan Incident Crime Reporting - Executive Summary
- 2013 Michigan Crime Data and Statistics
- Flint DDACTS Pilot Evaluation
- Flint DDACTS Pilot Evaluation: Summary of Findings
- Understanding the Challenges Facing Offenders Upon Their Return to the Community
- Risk of Recidivism Facing Offenders upon their Return to the Community
- Methamphetamine in Michigan Issues and Interventions
Circo, G., E.F. McGarrell, J. Krupa, and A. De Biasi. 2019a. Detroit Ceasefire: Individual Re-Offending Analyses Supplemental Report. East Lansing, MI: Michigan Justice Statistics Center, School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University.
Circo, G., Melde, C., & McGarrell, E.F. 2018. "Fear, Victimization, and Community Characteristics on Citizen Satisfaction with the Police" Policing: An International Journal.
Circo, G., E.F. McGarrell, J. Krupa, and A. De Biasi. 2018. Detroit Ceasefire: Final Evaluation Report. East Lansing, MI: Michigan Justice Statistics Center, School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University.
Circo, G., J. Krupa, and E.F. McGarrell. 2018. Detroit TIPS: Final Evaluation Report. East Lansing, MI: Michigan Justice Statistics Center, School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University.
Gilliam, M. & McGarrell, E.F. 2019b. Developing Performance Metrics for Drug Enforcement: Evaluating the Efficacy of the Multijurisdictional Task Forces Using a Tiered and Priority Scoring System. Fiscal Year 2014 through Fiscal Year 2019. Lansing, MI: Michigan State Police in Cooperation with Michigan Statistical Analysis Center.
Gilliam, M. & McGarrell, E.F. 2019a. Developing Performance Metrics for Drug Enforcement: Evaluating the Efficacy of the Multijurisdictional Task Forces Using a Tiered and Priority Scoring System. Fiscal Year 2014 through Fiscal Year 2018. Lansing, MI: Michigan State Police in Cooperation with Michigan Statistical Analysis Center.
Gilliam, M. & McGarrell, E.F. 2019. Fiscal Year 2015 through Fiscal Year 2017. Michigan’s Byrne Justice Assistance Grant (JAG) Strategic Plan Report. Assessing the Fulfillment of Goals and Metrics in the Byrne JAG Funded Program Areas. Lansing, MI: Michigan State Police in Cooperation with Michigan Statistical Analysis Center.
Grommon, E., and Rydberg, J. - Desisters in the making? Exploring the capacity to desist during community transition among a longitudinal panel of releasees. Journal of Crime and Justice.
McGarrell, E.F. 2020. “Focused Deterrence Violence Prevention at Community and Individual Levels. Marquette Law Review 103(3): 963-981.
Ray, B., Grommon, E., & Rydberg, J. - Anticipated stigma and defensive individualism during post-incarceration job searching. Sociological Inquiry.
Rydberg, J., E.F. McGarrell, A. Norris, and G. Circo. (2018). “A Quasi-Experimental Synthetic Control Evaluation of a Place-Based Police Directed Patrol Intervention on Violent Crime.” Journal of Experimental Criminology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11292-018-9324-8
Rydberg, J., Stone, R., & C.C. Kwiatkowski. 2019 (August). Using Incident-Based Crime Data to Examine the Opioid Crisis in Michigan, 2013-2017. East Lansing, MI: Michigan Justice Statistics Center, School of Criminal Justice, Michigan State University.
Rydberg, J., Stone R., & McGarrell, E.F. 2019. Utilizing Incident-Based Crime Data to Inform Strategic Interventions: A Problem Analysis of Violence in Michigan. Justice Research and Policy.
Justice Research and Statistics Association:
Key Resources for Identifying EBPs:
BJA Center for Program Evaluation and Performance Measurement
Center for Evidence Based Crime Practice
What Works in Reentry Clearinghouse
Illinois: Smarter Solutions for Crime Reduction
Federal Technical Assistance Resources:
Other Resources:
Contact Us
Edmund F. McGarrell, Ph.D.
Director and Professor
Michigan Justice Statistics Center
Michigan State University
School of Criminal Justice
655 Auditorium Road, 560 Baker Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: (517) 355-2192
Email: mcgarrel@msu.eduChristopher Melde, Ph.D.
Michigan Justice Statistics Center
Michigan State University
School of Criminal Justice
655 Auditorium Road, 433 Baker Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: (517) 353-0850
Email: melde@msu.eduRobyn A. Carter
Program Manager
Michigan Justice Statistics Center
Michigan State University
School of Criminal Justice
655 Auditorium Road, 560 Baker Hall
East Lansing, MI 48824
Phone: (904) 466-5888
Email: rcarter@msu.edu -
US Statistical Analysis Center
Statistical Analysis Centers are units or agencies at the state government level that use information from all components of the criminal justice system to conduct objective analyses of statewide policy issues.
The SACs perform a variety of activities including collecting and distributing criminal justice data, conducting policy-relevant research, and designing and implementing automated information systems. The SAC's are represented by the Justice Research and Statistics Association.
There are currently 53 Statistical Analysis Centers (SACs) located in the United States and its Territories. The Michigan Justice Statistics Center is a member of the Justice Research and Statistics Association (JRSA), a national nonprofit organization comprised of SAC directors, researchers, and practitioners dedicated to policy-oriented research and analysis.
Justice Research and Statistics Association
The Justice Research and Statistics Association is a national nonprofit organization of state Statistical Analysis Center (SAC) directors, and other researchers and practitioners throughout government, academia, and the justice community who are dedicated to the use of research and analysis to make informed policy and program decisions.
JRSA conducts and publishes multistate, policy-relevant research on justice issues; provides training and technical assistance to build research and evaluation capacity and knowledge of evidence-based practices at the state and local levels; and maintains information on state criminal and juvenile justice research and programs. - Veil of Darkness How-To-Guide